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4 Defensive Looks Kentucky Should Show Going Down The Stretch  | Opinion

by Kevin Young
Kentucky Wildcats Defense Down The Stretch

Opinion: Just a few ideas here. We all like to do a little “couch coaching” from time to time, right?

Maybe it’s time the Kentucky Wildcats start showing some different looks on defense as they head down the stretch. At times this year, Kentucky players have been exposed in the pick and roll defense.  Against Kansas, the Cats gave up 14 dunks and layups and 40 points in the paint. Getting some minutes in on these now may be good if they are going to make a deep run into March. Let me know your thoughts in the comments.

2-3 Half Court Zone: 

It’s the bread and butter of basketball. Jim Boeheim is the master of it. He’s so good at it he probably runs that defense when he’s cooking dinner at home.  No reason UK shouldn’t be flashing this look 10-15 minutes a game.  Makes no sense why a team stays in man-to-man the entire game, every game, against every team, regardless of the scouting report. It’s like your significant other wearing the same outfit ever day, day-after-day. At some point you are gonna ask, “You gonna change that outfit?  Maybe wash it?”. 

Nearly every team that beat Arkansas this year ran a zone. Kentucky played man-to-man all game vs. Arkansas and got beat. Did they not read the scouting report?  If a team is a mediocre 3 point shooting team then force them to hit 3’s on you to make you pull out of the zone. Otherwise, sit back in the 2-3.  Make them earn it.

2-3 Out-of-Bounds Zone Defense:

It clogs up the lane on an out of bounds play.  Pack it in tight and force the opposing team to throw it out front to start their offense. If you move one of the guards to the weak side wing down low and put Toppin out front he’s so long that he may be able to pick off some inbounds plays being thrown out front. Once the ball is in, rotate Toppin back down to one of the wings and the guard back out front.

Maybe they have run the 2-3 out of bounds at times during the season but I know they haven’t ran that particular strategy. Never seen it. But they need more 2-3 OoB’s plays going into the stretch.

1-3-1 Half-Court Zone Trap:

If the team doesn’t talk on defense and your weak side help falls asleep, or they are slow, you’ll get burned. But getting burned once or twice shouldn’t matter. You gotta keep at it to master it. If the opposing team has a weak PG this trap rattles them every time.  If they are a weak ball-handling team altogether AND slow, it works like a charm.  When executed properly it will lead to turnovers and easy buckets on the other end. 

Something else to think about…..Kentucky has elite athletes. They are fast, long and can run the court. With a quick, long, big-bodied defensive player like Cason Wallace he’ll be salivating at the chance to pick some pockets. When Sahvir Wheeler returns, he will be like that late night mosquito that won’t go away when you are sitting on the porch in the summer.

Put Toppin at the tip of the spear with Wallace or Wheeler in the middle to scramble and pick pockets and Livingston and Reeves on the wings. Some would say you want one of your mid-sized bigs in the middle but I don’t think that is good. I say you put your highest IQ player that is on the court in the middle to read what is going on. When it works, having 6’9″ Toppin at the top and Livingston and Reeves on the wings, it’ll rattle opposing teams with these big, long fella staring them down at mid-court. Toppin has good lateral movement and can handle that up front. Then you have Livingston and Reeves on the wings, who both are long and capable of picking off cross-court passes on the weak side, a high IQ guard reading and reacting to everything and Oscar down low. It would make for a daunting half-court defense. If they get some steals you’ve got a quick big man out front in Toppin who can run the court with one of the guards getting him some easy buckets on steals. Plus, it would be fun to watch.

1-3-1 Full Court Press Trap:

On made buckets, show a 1-3-1 full-court-press-trap defense. Again, the defense has to talk and whoever is on the weak side has to pay attention. Otherwise, they’ll get consistent, easy buckets on Kentucky.  But, show this on a slow, weak ball handling team and you’ll demoralize the opposing team with some steals and easy buckets in the backcourt. Toppin at the head, one of the quick guards in the middle and Livingston and Reeves on the wings with Tshiebwe in the back. If the opposing team breaks the trap then settle back into a 2-3 zone. Maybe I’m wrong?


What are your thoughts down the stretch with the remaining schedule? Leave us a comment below.

If you haven’t read my other article on 14 Reasons have a look at it here….

My name is Kevin Young and I approve this message.

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