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Postgame Quotes from Kentucky vs Kansas


In a hard-fought game against Kansas, the Kentucky Wildcats came up short with a final score of 89-84. Despite the loss, head coach John Calipari was impressed with the poise and fighting spirit displayed by his young team.

Calipari acknowledged that there were some breakdowns in the game, especially towards the end with missed free throws and shots, but he commended the team for their resilience. “A young team learns that,” he said. “But what I was proud of is they fought.”

The Wildcats found themselves playing catch-up early in the game but managed to take the lead at one point. Calipari noted one crucial play at the end of the first half that shifted the momentum in favor of Kansas. He also emphasized the need for better execution when trying to post the ball and the importance of finishing games strong.

Despite the team’s reliance on three-point shots, which resulted in 38 attempts, Calipari explained that it wasn’t necessarily part of the game plan. He attributed the high number to some missed opportunities to post the ball and the team’s overall youth. “We’re a young team,” he said. “I got to do a really good job of showing them how to finish games.”

Calipari also discussed the challenges of defending without some of the sidelined players. He expressed confidence in the abilities of the young players stepping up and mentioned that their return would bring additional depth to the team.

Following the game, former Wildcat John Wall made a visit to the locker room. Calipari shared that Wall emphasized the importance of contributing in other ways when shots aren’t falling. “When you’re not making shots, you gotta do something else to help your team win,” Wall said.

Calipari singled out Adou Thiero for his performance, recognizing his first career double-double and his impressive rebounding and physical play. However, Calipari explained that Thiero’s plus-minus statistic was misleading due to the specific moments he was on the court.

In the post-game press conference, Thiero and Reed Sheppard, two of the team’s freshmen, reflected on their experiences playing against the No. 1 team in the country. Thiero mentioned that despite the good performance, it didn’t feel the same without a victory. Sheppard also noted the importance of learning from the game and building on it for future matchups.

Overall, Calipari saw promise in his young team’s performance and their ability to fight against a top-ranked opponent. He praised their effort and mentality, describing them as “dawgs” who will battle and not give up easily. Although there is work to be done, the Wildcats remain committed to improving and competing in future games.

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