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Seven With Kevin: Anonymous Interviews With Kentucky Wildcats Fans | Opinion

by Kevin Young
Seven With Kevin: Anonymous Kentucky Wildcat Fan Interviews

Sports fans might not know what we are doing here at Scoop22 so let me ManSplain what is up.

I, meaning me, Kevin, reach out to random sports fans and send them random questions. They choose to answer them, or not. Nothing is edited. Their replies are copied and pasted into a post and we hit “publish”. Nothing else. Nothing edited.

This is a breakdown of a recent 7 w/Kevin email….

How long have you been a Kentucky Wildcats Fan?

I’ve liked watching the UK Wildcats since I was little. That’s around 35 years ago! My first memory was when Kyle Macy was playing in the mid-70s. My dad really liked UK and my mom went to UT for two years, so sometimes we had arguments about sports. Haha!

Did your Mom and Dad talk any smack back and forth?

When I was a kid, my parents used to get into arguments when we watched games together. I didn’t think anything of it at the time because I thought everyone did it. But then I went to a sleepover at my friend’s house and I saw that her parents didn’t argue after the game was over and I thought they were missing something. They just went back to their normal activities. But my parents would stay upset for a while even after the game was done. Looking back, it’s kind of funny to me now.

Tell me a little more about those “spats”. Did they not speak after the game?

At my house, my dad and mom liked to tease each other while they watched sports games. My dad sometimes joked with my mom about not being “smart enough”. But my mom was actually really smart and she was in charge at home. As I got older, I realized that my dad was just teasing her in a playful way. It was silly because my dad didn’t even finish high school, so he didn’t know much more than my mom did. Now that I’m grown up, I understand it better. My mom went to a college called UT in Knoxville for a little while and my dad really liked a team called UK. lol.

Cool.  So, the Wildcats have been struggling at points this year and BBN has had their panties in a wad.  It’s been nuts. In our emails, I asked you if you’d be willing to have some fun and share your insights. And, you said you would.  So, here it goes.  If Cal asked you to coach, would you take the reigns?

Yeah, of course. It would be an honor. Who wouldn’t? If my parents were alive they would get a kick out it. I mean, I already have a lot of experience coaching my dog to fetch, sit, and roll over, so I think I’m pretty qualified. I’m sure I could teach these players a few things. I’d dress better than Cal too. He’s been wearing fat man jogging suits lately. Weird stuff as far as I’m concerned.

That’s funny…What would you do different?

Not much. I think Coach Cal is doing a good job. I played ball in high school and I realize it’s an ongoing process throughout the season. If there is anything I’d do different it would be that I’d give more PT to Lance Ware. I like him. I think he deserves more time.

Let’s get down to business. How does it feel to have a basketball program that’s overrated year after year?

Oh, really? You gonna go there? Being a Kentucky Wildcats fan is special. Only people in Kentucky understand this I always hope our team will win, but sometimes they don’t. It’s like going on a rollercoaster ride where you feel really excited, but then you feel really disappointed and throw up on your cousin’s feet sitting next to you on the ride. Even though UK is sometimes known for not living up to BBN’s expectations, I still love them and cheer for them. It’s kind of funny, but I’m proud to be a fan of a team that people think is “overrated”. They are doing good right now….You got anything better than that?

Yes. Last question(s). Do you think the The Cats will finally live up to their hype this year, or will they continue to disappoint their fans like they’ve been doing for the past decade?

Oh boy, puzzling….that’s a tough one for me. They are on a good streak, right? I think they are going to go on a run and knock it out of the park. I love the cats. It’s in my blood.

Cool. Thanks for sharing your story with BBN.

Until next time, my name is Kevin Young and I approve this message.

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